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WHA Blog

Learn about the latest news and upcoming events from the WHA and its member agencies.

National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is this month!

Jessilyn Averill

November 13-21st is National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, a week sponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness, to build awareness that no one should have to worry about whether they will have food on their plate or a roof over their head.

The Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness uses this as an opportunity to observe November as Homeless Awareness Month (HAM), to raise awareness about issues relating to housing insecurity and homelessness and to get communities invested in making a difference. MCAH has created a Homeless Awareness Month 2021 toolkit filled with suggested readings (even for kids and teachers), calls to action, and ways to communicate about HAM to others in your community.

Here are a few ways to locally get involved this month during National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week:

Michigan Movement's Project Connect on Saturday, Nov 13, Liberty Plaza @ 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

This U-M student led event is a public health free resource fair with food, clothing, medical screenings, healthcare resources and more. For more event details, click here

Hustle for Housing Rally & March on Saturday, Nov 20, Liberty Plaza @ 10:00 AM

Tell the Shelter Association you're coming, register for this free event here. Look for Amanda from WHA as one of the speakers!

⇨ Support Groundcover News Vendors selling papers in downtown Ann Arbor or Ypsi! Check out the Groundcover News Blog to get a sneak-peak into articles featured in monthly papers

⇨ Sign on to Washtenaw Housing Alliance’s Pledge for Affordable Housing. Add your name to the pledge & join organizations committed to the fight for affordable housing.

⇨ If you’re a property owner (or know someone who is) consider filling out a Unit Availability Form so WHA’s partners who are helping individuals and families experiencing homelessness find suitable rental housing.

⇨ Contribute to one or more of WHA’s members’ wish lists! See full list of members here, then visit their websites and social media to find the wish list you want to support.