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Continuing the push to spend CERA Program Funds

Jessilyn Averill

As of Oct 1st, more than 36,000 Michigan renter households received money to help with rental and utilities assistance through the COVID Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) Program. Though these funds were slow to disperse at the onset of the program’s rollout, funds distributed each month have steadily grown.

This money has been critical in keeping people in their homes. What is more, is that there are CERA funds still available with the potential for additional funds to come into our state due to the U.S. Treasury redistributing unspent funds this month.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent Household Pulse Survey collected during the first two weeks of October 2021, it’s estimated that 32,270 Michigan renters are likely facing eviction or foreclosure. It is crucial that more renters continue to get connected to CERA funds as soon as possible.

This money really can make the difference for so many at this time. Funds can be used for up to 13-15 months of rental assistance. Eligible households can also use the funds for tenant supplied electricity, home heating, water, sewer, and trash (if billed with another utility). Even a flat internet stipend is available.

Anyone who is facing eviction or foreclosure can feel stressed and anxious from the legal process they may find themselves experiencing. That is why the CERA program includes free legal assistance. In our county, the Housing Access for Washtenaw County (HAWC) is who someone can turn to for support.

Landlords are not required to participate in the CERA program. Fortunately, renters can still receive money even if their landlord decides against participating. The money a renter applies for would be paid directly to them. But if a landlord decides to participate (we hope you do!), they are guaranteed quick and substantial payments for rent owed and may also be guaranteed future months of rent paid.

Feel like reading some more? Check out these websites for further data analysis on housing insecurity:

The Eviction Tracking System | Eviction Lab data updated every 2 weeks

The Gap | National Low Income Housing Coalition ( from March 2021

Hotels to Housing Case Studies - National Alliance to End Homelessness from July 20, 2021