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WHA Blog

Learn about the latest news and upcoming events from the WHA and its member agencies.

Advocacy Training: Speakers' Pool

Jessilyn Averill

On March 20th, WHA will host a training workshop for community members to develop the skills and knowledge needed to advocate around issues of homelessness and affordable housing in public forums. Homeless and housing service providers – their staff, clients, board members and volunteers are all encouraged to attend as are community members interested in local homelessness and affordable housing issues. Attendees will learn about civic engagement, state and local policy, and current advocacy and service projects in the community. Speakers include Mary Morgan from the CivCity Initiative, Ashley Blake from Avalon Housing, and U-M psychology professor and National Alliance on Mental Illness Board President Mark Creekmore. This training workshop will be the first in a series dedicated to increasing involvement from WHA member agencies, community members and allies in advocacy and public education opportunities.

Have any questions? Please reach out to our Advocacy Intern, Lauren Schandevel at or Communications & Administration Assistant, Heather Nash at

 Learn more and register here: